At some point, there is no way to spend a vacation in Luxor without visiting the Hatshepsut Temple. The ancient Egyptian civilization, which thrived in Egypt more than 3,000 years ago and dated back to that country, left behind a unique collection of archaeological sites and historical monuments. One of these is the Amarna burial temple, which was built as a shrine to honor Hatshepsut. Located. Queen Hatshepsut, who ruled Egypt during the 18th dynasty, is thought to have given the order to create the temple, and she wanted to dedicate it both to the god Amun and herself.
The man she thought was her birth father is still a mystery, which is typical for things that happened during the time of the pharaohs. The man she thought was her birth father is still a mystery. And that’s precisely what we’re going to do today as we look into the history, location, and design of the Hatshepsut Temple, which was a true masterpiece during the time of the Pharaohs.
- Where is the Temple of Hatshepsut located?
- Since when was it built?
- Design, location, and entrance fee to the Temple of Hatshepsut.
- Please tell me the location of the Temple of Hatshepsut.
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When a tourist goes to Egypt, the location of the Temple of Hatshepsut is probably the first thing that comes to mind. The beautiful Temple of Hatshepsut is in Upper Egypt, more specifically, in the city of Luxor.
One of the most important temples in all of ancient Egypt is located under the cliffs of al Deir el Bahari in the valley of the kings on the west bank of the Nile. This temple is close to the famous tomb of Mentuhotep II, which is also nearby.
When was it built for the first time, and what was it made of?

Most experts think the Hatshepsut burial temple was built during the 18th dynasty, especially when Hatshepsut was Pharaoh. She was in charge of building a temple that was just as beautiful as the government she set up. When Thutmose III was still a child, his half-sister ran Egypt, and she was the daughter of King Thutmose I.
As beautiful as the temple was, so was the way she led. But it was during her rule that Egypt had one of its most extended periods of peace and prosperity without a break. The ancient Egyptian queen had a temple built so that she and the cultural achievements of her reign would live on in history. Someone made it said to be Hatshepsut’s lover, steward, and friend.
The temple design that now holds Hatshepsut’s tomb was based on a nearby, much smaller temple to Mentuhotep II, but it was much more significant. When Queen Hatshepsut died, she was to be buried in the part of the temple where the falcon god Horus was worshipped. This was written to honor the time she was in charge; the country did well and was safe.
Archaeological evidence shows that Hatshepsut gave the order to build her burial temple soon after she became queen in 1479 BCE. This probably happened not long after she became queen. She had her trusted advisor and steward, Senemut, build a copy of MentuhotebII II’s temple. He did this by making everything about the original building even more impressive while staying true to the Symbolism and Symmetry that were important in ancient Egyptian art and architecture.
The three-story temple has a courtyard on the ground floor, a significant ramp in the middle, two smaller ramps on the sides, and a third courtyard and ramp leading up to the top floor. At the bottom of the temple was a massive rock formation with intricate carvings.
Many colonnades, sculptures, inscriptions, and beautiful carvings throughout the temple tell the story of this crucial Egyptian woman and monarch. Because of these architectural details, the temple is much more attractive and grand.
There are two lion statues at the top level’s entrance and colonnades, sculptures, and inscriptions all over the grounds that tell stories about this famous woman. One example is the story about the birth column.
It tells other stories about the night the god Amun came to Earth and slept with the woman who would have his son. The temple of Queen Hatshepsut is a fantastic work of art that can’t be compared to anything else. Seeing something with your own eyes is an exciting thing.
Below are all the details, such as how to get there and how much tickets will cost.

Monday through Friday, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., anyone can go to the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. and 5 p.m. When you enter the temple, you must give a $10 gift, leaving little room for future price hikes. Even though her reign was marked by wealth and peace, the Egyptian queen Hatshepsut had her share of problems, leading to her death.
Even though her actions may have given Egypt one of the best military leaders in its history in the form of Thutmose III, they were not well received because most people thought that Hatshepsut planned and predicted the Egyptians’ victory at the Battle of Megiddo.
As soon as Thutmose III turned 18, he was allowed to do so by law, and he started to erase all references to Hatshepsut from history. He also ended her rule by making his start date the day her father died. This colossal monument was built to honor Amun, an excellent example of how sophisticated, creative, and beautiful ancient Egyptian architecture was. This landmark was created to keep the first woman to rule Egypt and as a gift to the god Amun.
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