What were the most important and exciting things that happened in Dendera Temple?

Dendera Temple
Entrance of Dendera Temple

Dendera: The Temple of Luxor, which used to be called Tetris, is now known as one of the most popular places for tourists.

Location: On the western bank of the Nile, south of Qena in Egypt.

At Luxor, three temples were built to honor Horus, the god of the sky and protector of the pharaohs, Ihy, Horus’ son who played the sistrum, and Hathor, the goddess of rebirth. Only the last one has kept almost all the parts in the first one. The first two have almost nothing to say (only a few shards each).

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What do we know about the history of Dandara?

Dendera Temple
Pharaonic inscriptions on the ceiling of a temple of Dendera

Even though the current building dates back to the late Ptolemaic and Roman periods, Dendera likely had a sanctuary constantly being torn down and rebuilt.

This lithograph shows the inside of the first hypostyle chamber, a vast room more than 80 feet deep, and has 18 massive columns with bas-reliefs and other decorations. The building was beautiful, and its design was less rigid and more free-flowing than the earliest Egyptian temples.

The temples of Dendera are different from most other sacred Egyptian buildings because they don’t have the traditional Pylon that most of these buildings have. Instead, they have a huge building that is 60 feet tall and 139 feet wide. The front of the building has six columns that hold up a beautiful cornice.

The entrance is right in the middle of a tall, open space. Up to about halfway up, panels with bas-reliefs and hieroglyphic writing cover the spaces between the columns. Because the door opens in the middle, the area looks more prominent and vertical.

On the inside, the remaining 18 columns are set up in three rows, and each column’s top shows a different part of the goddess who watches over the city. Tiberius built this hypostyle hall to replace the Pylon, which was destroyed. It is a suitable replacement because it is higher than the rest of the temple.

One place like this is where the Dandara Temples are.

Dendera Temple
Temple of Hathor in Egypt

Ptolemy IX Soter II built the Dendera Temple in the middle of a large area surrounded by a wall made of air-dried bricks. Each side of the wall is between 925 and 990 feet long. On the east and north sides of the border, two beautiful entrances date back to the Roman Empire.

The holy land is home to many important places and a beautiful sanctuary. At the back of the main temple, there is a small shrine that is used to celebrate the birth of Isis. The reliefs that have been saved show the sky goddess Nut sitting on a stool and giving birth to a child, which was the traditional way to give birth.

The holy lake, which was in all Egyptian temples and where priests would wash many times a day before ceremonies, has been turned into a bottomless rectangular pit surrounded by a wall. In the western wall and northwest corner of the temple of Hathor, you can find a spring, an old Roman hospital, a Coptic church, and two mammisi. One mammisi is from the time of the Ptolemies, and the other is from the time of the Romans.


It is the chapel where the pharaohs were born (the birth chapel of the pharaohs) During the Early Period of Egyptian history, the Egyptians built a few small temples called mammisi, which means “birth chapel” in English. At the time, the Egyptians thought that the pharaoh’s children were the ones who made the gods. Under the guise of celebrating the births of the gods, the Egyptians worshipped the pharaoh’s children.

Every one of their children was born inside the hallowed walls of the temple, where they were treated with the utmost respect as if they were gods. This is what happened to every child they had. Nectanebo I built the first of these structures in Dendera between 378 and 360 BC. Augustus created the second building in the area.

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