In Aswan, be sure to visit the fascinating Nubian Museum.

Construction of the Museum has begun.

Nubian Museum
Top view of Nubian Museum in Aswan

At the entrance to the Nubian Museum is a vast garden where you can see many of Egypt’s best-known flowering plants and a wide range of plants from other places.

Once you’re inside, you can explore one of three levels.

You’ll need to take an elevator down to the first floor, which looks like a basement. There are both research labs and places to fix things on this floor.

The trip up from the lower level is well worth it because the hall on the upper level is much bigger and full of impressive monuments and artifacts.

The cafe, library, picture and microfilm archives, and administrative offices of the museum are all on the third level.

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The following topics are covered:

  • A way to solve problems that is sure to work quickly and satisfactorily.

  • The history of the city of Aswan in Egypt and the Nubian Museum located there.

  • The museum will build more displays as part of its plans to grow.

  • How beautiful the museum is inside, and how important it is to keep it in good condition.

Many people visit the Egyptian city of Aswan because it has a lot of fascinating museums, and the Nubian Museum is the most well-known of them.

There are a total of seventeen different sections in this museum. They cover a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to, the region of Nubia, the environment of Nubia, the beginning of the Nile Valley, the Neolithic civilization, the Pyramid era, the Medieval Nubian era, the Kingdom of Kush in Nubia, the Egyptian Civilization in Nubia, the Family 25, the Kingdom of Meroe, the Late Period, Christian Nubia, Islamic Nubia, the irrigation zone, the There are more than 3,000 great works of art hidden in these halls.

How to get there as quickly as possible

You can take a taxi or drive your car to the Nubian Museum.

Close to the museum, you can find places to stay and eat.

The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

How the Nubian Museum in Aswan changed over time

Many people think it is one of the best museums in the world, and in 2001, the Agha Khan Award for Architecture’s Outstanding Achievement was given to it. Even though the Egyptian architect Mahmoud El-Hakim made plans, the Mexican architect Pedro Ramirez Varquez built the building.

More than 75 million Egyptian pounds had to be spent to build the museum.

This museum was set up so that these old artifacts from Nubia could be kept safe. In the 1980s, when UNESCO was trying to stop big dams from destroying the sites, the first plans for how to improve it were made.

the building of a museum.

A skeleton of a person who lived 20,000 years ago and was found near Aswan, Egypt, in 1982 is one of the most popular things to see at the Nubian Museum. The museum has things from many different times in its collection.

About 103 Islamic artifacts, 503 Ancient Egyptian artifacts, 52 Coptic artifacts, and more than 500 artifacts whose origin cannot be confirmed show the history of Aswan and the Nubian people.

Each painting has a sign next to it that says something about it in both Arabic and English.

No other museum in the world has any of the historical items on display at the Nubian Museum. In a word, they are unique.

The exhibition will include pottery bowls, furniture, musical instruments, clothing, crowns, beautiful jewelry, and precious stones.

The people of Nubia have used all of these things and many others, some of which aren’t listed here, in many different ways throughout their history.

Figurines that show everyday Nubians going about their lives are one kind of unique artifact. Here are some examples of traditional Nubian clothing, activities that Nubians like to do, and the ways that traditional Nubian goods are made.

One of the many things people can do at the Nubian Museum is taking a walk through the garden.

Here, you can take it easy and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Egyptian countryside. Also, the museum has about 80 sculptures and rocks that are all different and come from many different time periods.

It also has a set of man-made lakes meant to look like the Nile River and an ancient art gallery in a cave.

People who go to museums may also see one of the many shows that local Nubians put on to teach others about their culture and traditions. You can go to a museum at this place.

The museums and galleries that make up the organization.

Nubian Museum
Nubian painting un Nubian Museum in Aswan

You can see things from many different periods at the Nubian museum. One of the most favorite things is an adult skeleton found in Egypt in 1982, not far from Aswan. It was located near the city of Aswan. It is about 20,000 years old, making it one of the oldest things ever found.

About 103 Islamic artifacts, 503 Ancient Egyptian artifacts, 52 Coptic artifacts, and more than 500 artifacts with unknown origins can be used to piece together the history of Aswan and the Nubian people.

A card next to each piece of art describes it in both Arabic and English.

The historical items displayed at the Nubian Museum can’t be seen elsewhere.

There will be many different things at the show, like ceramic bowls, furniture, musical instruments, clothes, crowns, beautiful jewelry, and rare stones.

In addition to all the things already mentioned, the Nubians have used many other things throughout their history.

Figures showing how the Nubians lived are some of the most exciting things ever. These pictures show the Nubians working, getting ready for work, and making their goods.

Those who go to the Nubian Museum will not be sorry they did. For example, they might take a walk in the garden.

Put your feet up and enjoy the lovely views of the Egyptian plants.

About 80 pieces of sculpture and old rocks are also in the museum.

Many artificial lakes look like the Nile River and an underground cave with ancient art.

Visitors to the museum may also see performances by local Nubian artists who want to show off their culture to people who wish to learn about it.

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