Archaeologists know this historical site well because it is where fossils from long ago can be found. It is in the western part of the governorate of Fayoum Oasis in Egypt. Egyptians have been calling this valley Wadi Al Hitan for a long time.

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Whale Valley
Valley of the Whales in Al Fayoum Oasis Egypt

At one of the most important paleontological sites in the area, there might be a lot of fossils of whales from the Archaeoceti suborder. The United States of America is home to this place. This look at evolution is fascinating because it shows how whales went from living on land to being at home in the ocean. 

The vast majority of people who know about this field agree that it is one of the most important things to be found in the last hundred years. The fossils show that these species slowly lost limbs while still land animals, making them change into aquatic animals. When this happened, the species did not yet have the skills to live in water.

A paleontologist from the United States recently found several interesting artifacts. One of these fossils is the complete skeleton of a Basilosaurus. This dinosaur walked on land instead of swimming, and its ancestors lived in Pakistan, Europe, North America, and Asia. Basilosaurus was an animal that lived on land.

Whale Valley has a large number of fossils that are between 40 and 50 million years old. These fossils were found both on land and in the sea. There is much evidence to suggest that the oceanic plate was once connected to the Wadi Hitan basin. These fossils were made in Whale Valley when the marine plate was there. During this time in history, the Mediterranean Sea was much further north than it is now, while the Tethys Sea was much further south.


Since new things are found there every year, excavation will likely continue in the area of Whale Valley. Finds like this are fascinating and mind-boggling for everyone, not just people who are really into paleontology. Egypt is so beautiful that going there will be one of the best things you ever do, which is why so many people go there.

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